In the Christmas story we see a dad who is given the responsibility
to raise a child. It’s a heavy
responsibility being a dad to any kid, but can you imagine the weight of responsibility
in having to raise the Savior of the world, the Son of God, the King of
kings??!! We don’t know a lot about
Joseph, we only see a brief snapshot of who he is and where he came from in the
story of Jesus’s birth. But in the brief
snap shot we have of Joseph we see some character traits that every dad should
have if they want to win at fatherhood. God knew exactly what He was doing when he
gave Joseph the responsibility of raising his Son.
Character Trait #1
- Meekness
Matthew 1:18-19
the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been
betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from
the Holy Spirit. And her husband Joseph,
being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her
There were 3 routes Joseph could have legally taken at
this point: Stone her to death (Leviticus 20:10), claim
the child was his and go forward to save embarrassment, or publicly divorce her. But, Joseph showed meekness when he chose to
divorce her quietly. Joseph maintained
his cool, didn’t lose his temper, he didn’t try to get even, and didn’t kick
Mary to the curb. Even though he was
in the position and had the right to ruin her life and the life of her seemingly
illegitimate son, he took the route of a good man, a real man, a Godly
man. It was a path of grace, a path of
character, a path of Godliness…a path of meekness. And it was this meekness that enabled him to
be used greatly by God to be the earthly father of Jesus.
Dad’s we need to learn to show meekness to our wife and
kids. We constantly need to let God harness our
freedom, authority in the home, power, influence, strength, success, money and
time by submitting to the will of our Heavenly Father. Showing our children that even though we have
a right to be angry or have the right to get it our way, we control our temper
and handle the matter with meekness. We must
show meekness to our kids when we arguing with their mother, disciplining them,
in dealing with the blind umpire at their ball games, the slow waiter, the
idiotic driver that just cut us off, the boss that is unfair, or our child's
carelessness with the cup of milk.
If you want to produce good children, then be a meek man. Showing grace, patience, kindness, and gentleness
can ALWAYS be done without showing weakness.
That’s what meekness does.
Character Trait #2
- Obedience
Crazy story, crazy dream.
If I had a dream like that I might wonder what my wife mixed into our lasagna
from the night before. The amazing thing
is that he did exactly what the angel said to do.
This story fits so well into the Bible. Joseph was commanded to give Mary’s son the
name Jesus, it's derived from the Hebrew name Yeshua, the name means “Yahweh is salvation.” The first time we see the name Yeshua in the Old
Testament is when we meet Moses’s right hand man and understudy, Joshua. Joshua was the man that got to lead the
Israelites into the Promise land. He was
a great leader, a man’s man, a warrior, a hero. Listen to the faith and conviction of Joshua:
Joshua 24:15 But as for me and my house, we will serve the
"As for me and my
house…"we’ll make a lot of money"…"we’ll be a successful"…"we’ll kill a big deer
or bunches of ducks"…"we’ll catch a big fish"..."we’ll drink with the boys"…"we’ll be
liked by everyone"…"we’ll be great athletes"…"we’ll win the lottery"…"we’ll run our
roost"…"we’ll never back down"…"we’ll never lose a fight"…"we’ll never be wrong."
But what is missing from most American homes is men who
like Joshua and Joseph who will say, “As
for my an my house, we will serve the Lord”
Guys, what is your family known more for? Serving the Lord or killing big deer? Serving the Lord or being successful? Serving the Lord or being great
athletes? Serving the Lord or showing
our influence?
Dad's when our children stand before God one day he's not going to ask them how successful they are, how much money they made, what their GPA was, how fast they could throw or how far they could hit a baseball, how many tackles or touchdowns they had, what was the biggest deer they killed or fish they caught, how cool they were, how many girls they dated. He's going to ask them one question: "What did you do with my Son Jesus?"
Being a family
that is known for serving the Jesus begins with being a man who is known for
serving the Jesus.
Character Trait #3
– Spiritual Leadership
vv. 24-25 “When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord
commanded him…And he called his name Jesus”
Joseph believed the angel, he believed in his Son, and he
did everything he was instructed to do and everything he knew he could in order
that his son could “save his people from their sins.”
Joseph led the way in listening to God’s will for his family: notice Matthew 2:13-14 when moved his family to Egypt, Matthew 2:19-23 when he moved his family back to Nazareth
Joseph led the way in listening to God’s will for his family: notice Matthew 2:13-14 when moved his family to Egypt, Matthew 2:19-23 when he moved his family back to Nazareth
Notice how Joseph
led the way in worshiping with his family:
Luke 2:22-38, 2:14, when he took his family to the Temple
He made priority of his child’s spiritual life. He took it seriously. He got involved with it. Joseph was the dad who took his children to church
(the temple), he didn’t just drop them off or let them go with Mary while he
slept in, worked, or hunted. Joseph was
the dad who prayed for his children and worshiped with his children. Joseph was the dad that made sure they were
growing in knowledge of the word. The
spiritual growth of his children was important to Joseph.
Dad’s we need to lead the way when it comes to the
spiritual growth of our children.
Lead. Don’t just leave it up to
their mom, your parents, the church, the pastor, the children’s minister, or some
other father or family. Lead. Worship with them, pray with them, pray for
them, read God’s word to them, serve with them, witness to them.
God knew what he was doing when he put his own Son under
the earthly fatherhood of Joseph. Men,
God knew exactly what he was doing when he put your children under your earthly
Hey, be a fun dad, a loving dad, a protecting dad, a successful dad, a disciplining dad, a killing ducks and deer dad, a coaching dad, a friendly dad. These are great kinds of dads to be and I hope you are one. But don't miss out on being the kind of dad God chose you to be. Be a dad that leads your kids to Jesus.